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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Viaopia takes a pledge to safeguard interests and information of users who share their personal details while using our website. Each data shared is properly encrypted and secured, they are only taken to identify the users’ behaviour pattern, improvise our website and for no other purpose.
Though our privacy policy is subject to change without any notice, so we request all to visit this page frequently.
We usually collect personal details with respect to the services asked and it usually pertains to name, email address and address for correspondence but can vary depending on the service request by individual users.
The information collected makes us understand the need of each user, based on which we can modify our services. Further, we use this information for sharing details about new products and services that we have launched or for seeking your feedback. We do not violate privacy of any user.
We guarantee that sharing of personal details with us is not equivalent to forfeiting your rights. We respect the privacy of each user, so they can approach us at any time for cancelling any kind of correspondence from us and we would gladly remove them from our list.
We would like to inform users that our website might contain links to other websites; you may or may not click on them. It is not a compulsion to visit other websites but once you have clicked on the link, we do not hold any control over your information and we are not responsible for anything thereafter.
Our website automatically collects web statistics of your action through your IP address. This is essentially done to improve our services and understand the likes and dislikes of each user, based on which we can improvise our website. This cache does not impinge your privacy rights and you always remain an anonymous individual for us, unless you fill up any form on our website.